the Federal Government
the New Millennium
POTUS is not only the Head of State, but he is also the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. As such, he is the most interesting subject of monitoring.
One of the organizations of the United Nations is the ITU (International Telecommunications Union).
As a signatory of the UN Charter, we as a nation must abide by their rules. One of these sets of rules has to do with what frequencies are available in our region as well as the other regions of the world.
The ITU-R or ITU Radio communications Sector has divided the world into three ITU Regions.
United States of America is in the ITU Region 2.
The NTIA Red Book describes the frequencies available for each region and then breaks down the frequency assignments which are allowed for our government.
http://combatsent.users3.50megs.com/ | Combat Sent RC-135 |
http://rc130bii6988.users5.50megs.com/ | RC-130 BII |
http://superspy.users3.50megs.com/ | EC-47 |
http://fedcom2000.users4.50megs.com/ | Federal Communications Monitoring |
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http://ncamonitor00.users4.50megs.com/ | NCA 2000 Monitoring |
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http://milsatcom2000.50megs.com/ | Military Satellite Monitoring |
http://satellitecomms.50megs.com/ | Commercial & Amateur Satellite Monitoring |
http://scanner2000.users5.50megs.com/ | General Scanner/Receiver Information |
http://boltinghouse.users3.50megs.com | Bill Boltinghouse Personal Site About Domestic & Child Abuse |
http://boltkids.users3.50megs.com | Boltinghouse Kid's Web Site |
http://boltfam2000.users5.50megs.com/ | Boltinghouse Family Tree |
http://civilian-air-comms.50megs.com/ | Civilian Air Communications |