President of the United States of America

Air Force One POTUS' Home Away From Home

POTUS (President of the United States) is one of the key members of the NCA (National Command Authority) and as such, he must remain in contact with the NMCC (National Military Command Center) in the Pentagon or with the NAOC (National Airborne Operations Center). The SECDEF (Secretary of Defense) is the other main member of the NCA.

With this responsibilty comes the communications to make this possible. Aboard AF-1 are those capabilities. developes this area in depth. Part of the expanded communications available to POTUS is the E-4B which accompanies him on his overseas trips.

There are other A/C which accompany POTUS on these trips and they come under the auspices of the Special Air Missions.

The White House Communications Agency (WHCA) provides normal and emergency telecommunications and other communications requirements to the President, Vice President, White House Senior Staff, National Security Council (NSC), U.S. Secret Service (USSS) and others as directed by the White House Military Office (WHMO). This includes non-secure and secure voice, record communications, audiovisial services, automated data processing support and photographic and drafting services.

WHCA also provides communications, computer and technical security for the White House in Washington, D.C. and at worldwide trip sites.

WHCA, originally known as the White House Signal Detachment (WHSD), was officially formed by the War Department on 25 March 1942 during the Roosevelt Administration. It provided mobile radio, teletype, telephone and cryptographic aids to the White House and at Camp David.

The detachment was discontinued in 1962 by order of the Secretary of Defense and transferred to the auspices of the Defense Communications Agency ([DCA] now known as DISA) under operational control of the WHMO. The detachment was reestablished as the White House Communications Agency (WHCA).

WHCA played silent, yet significant roles in many historical events to include World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Panama and Guatemala, Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm and Operation Restore Hope in Somalia.

The agency has evolved over the past 50 years from a small team of 32 people working out of the White House basement to a self supporting joint service command located at Anacostia Navy Yard. WHCA consists of six staff divisions, seven functional units and five supporting detachments in Washington, D.C. and other locations throughout the United States.